We are a CONNECTED group of experts with broad-ranging technologies and business experience that can assist in creating and implementing a digital strategy.

The Journey

Our journey started with the idea of being able to offer support to Upstream and Midstream Oil & Gas producers by providing smarter and more cost-effective ways to manage regulatory and safety tasks. I felt that with the right experienced personnel, we could offer a custom set of specialized Safety & Regulatory inspections that would save them money by having one company being able to accomplish everything in a one site visit.

The idea quickly grew into reality, as such did our client list. But with that came a new challenge that we kept running into repeatedly with all our clients: none of them had a good way to track any of the work we did for them or any of the work their own staff were doing.

This started our new mission: to find a way to offer our services to our clients in a simplified way that we could both track and access all our reports at ease. Then we were introduced to Muddy Boots Online (MBO), “an All-In-One Mobile Software Solution for Your Operations”.

They provide your workforce with an integrated, customizable mobile solution to manage field operations. Basically they digitize all your reporting and data needs, along with all of your assets and equipment.

They also can “Connect” service companies with their clients on the same platform (cloud management), streamlining all reporting needs. This changed how we looked at our business. It gave us a platform to create new and innovative ways to support our clients, but it also grew into another opportunity. Utilizing MBO’s superior API function allows us to “Connect” and integrate different software programs and technologies inside MBO.

Once our clients saw how far they could take their new MBO software they started asking to have all their data and specialized programs reported inside Muddy Boots.

So we started another mission: to find all the champions in their respected fields and integrate these specialized software and new technologies together, offering a set of specialized solutions that you choose from and can access from a single platform.

After successfully integrating 4 software companies and 2 unique technologies and growing with more, we decided to name our consulting company “Connected Digital Solutions.”

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Connected Digital Solutions
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